Hamilton Ramblers is a friendly group of local people who meet in Hamilton, Lanarkshire on alternate Sundays to enjoy walking in the beautiful country that is Scotland. There are two different walks available on each outing.
The long walk is more strenuous and can involve steeper route than the short walk however on some occasions it is just as the name implies – a longer distance walk.
The short walk is usually shorter and taken at a slower pace that the long walk.
We are not a hill walking club dedicated to bagging Munros although in Scotland, invariably, there are hills to ascend, rough tracks and boggy areas to cross. Some routes may be challenging, but not considered to be dangerous.
How do we organise these outings?
Our outings depart from Beckford Street Hamilton and usually the coach leaves at 9am
We usually have a 15 minute tea and toilet stop en-route to the starting point at a convenient service area.
Often the walks have different start and finish points. The bus drops each group off at their respective start points and picks them up at their finishing points. During the walk we normally have two food breaks and each person is responsible for providing their own food and hot/cold drinks.
At the end of the walks there is usually a social break before the return journey.
Annual membership of the club is £30
The cost of each outing is £12 for members and
£15 for non-members.
First 3 walks for non-members cost £12
All bookings to be paid for in advance.
Please do not compare walking round Strathclyde Park with a full day outing in the country. The terrain is different. Fitness and energy levels are
How do I join?
Make contact with the group and come out walking with us. You will meet new people and enjoy a pleasant time in the open countryside. The Secretary will be happy to explain the membership arrangements.
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